Smart Insights: How I Achieved Massive Growth

Are you wondering about how to increase traffic to your website or blog? Does your reader count fall below your expectations? In this week’s podcast, guest Bethany Kramer discusses how she learned how to increase traffic while making a full-time career out of her blog.

The question of how to get traffic to your blog is oftentimes on the mind of bloggers and content creators alike. Many seem to believe that they need to have as large of a following as possible before their business can be deemed successful. Some bloggers even go so far as to stretch themselves too thin attempting to stay on top of trends to increase numbers.

Rest assured, there is a solution to this dilemma, and as Rachel explains, the best way to solve it is to narrow down your focus. This way you keep yourself from becoming overworked and instead give your attention to the important parts of your blog.

EPISODE 016: Smart Insights: How I Achieved Massive Growth

ABOUT Bethany Kramer

Bethany grew up in a family with a love for Italian food and learned to cook at a young age. She founded her blog, A Simple Palate, in 2014 after marrying her husband Drew and finding her passion for cooking food for the people she loves.

Drew is the other half of the brains for A Simple Palate and handles the technical side of the blog, including web design and development. A Simple Palate not only reflects Bethany’s love for healthy and seasonal cooking, but also pays homage to her Jersey roots and love for Italian food.



How to Increase Website Traffic, as Explained by Bethany

When starting her blog, Bethany always knew that a full time income and profession as a blogger was possible, yet she wasn’t able to increase the website traffic like she hoped to. Still, Bethany was determined to achieve her goal and after a few years of hardship, one of Bethany’s blogger friends gave her a few tips to help her out.

The main piece of advice that Bethany decided to take to heart was to narrow down the focus for her blog. Instead of jumping on every trend and social media platform, Bethany chose to work solely through Pinterest and Google instead. Bethany also strived to learn more about SEO and use it to gradually increase traffic.

Another piece of advice Bethany states helped her blog grow was to not get so consumed by the numbers of followers other bloggers had. To do so, she took a mental step away from her business whenever possible so that it did not impact her happiness. She learned to be content with the pace in which her blog was developing and allowed for goals to be accomplished as they came.

“You have to be content with where you are at.”

How to Increase Blog Traffic for your Business

As part of really narrowing your focus, a blogger should choose a strong, specific niche in which to guide their blog. In Bethany’s case, she chose to invest in photography so that her work could really stand out from others. This is a great way to visually attract more followers to your blog.

Another way how to increase blog traffic is to really strive to provide quality content for your followers. Remember, the numbers don’t always matter but what you’re delivering to your readers does! You want to make sure you are providing your readers with ideas and answers as well as new content.

Updating old content is also a great way of staying up to date with your followers. This will help you maintain a good standing and will show your followers that you can deliver products of good quality. After all, quality earns a followers trust and keeps them coming back for more!

“Be that person your readers can know, love, and trust.”

Advice for Influencers on How to Drive Traffic to your Blog

For you everyday influencers looking to drive traffic to your blog, an important key to know is that you don’t have to blog alone! As Bethany shares, blogging can be an isolating time especially when spent in front of a computer.

A great way to combat this is to have someone to talk to about blogging. This person should be someone trustworthy enough to confide to about your blog. A friend or even another blogger, who most likely needs a blogger buddy of their own, would be an ideal person. Your heart and mind will thank you and you’ll feel more at ease when you share your ideas or concerns with others.

Also, don’t skip out on coaching! Listen to blogging coaches who have done it all before. Many of them have pieces of information to share that will greatly improve your own blog and enable you to increase the traffic to your website.

“Having that support system, that knows what you’re talking about and gets you, really makes a big difference.”

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