Make More Money Doing What You Love

Have you wanted to learn how you can more money while doing what you love? In this episode, Jason Logsdon shares how you can turn your passion into profit.

In this episode, we’re talking with Jason Logsdon of about how to make more money doing what you love. If you want expand your streams of revenue while pursuing your passion, this episode will teach you strategies to do so.

Episode 050: Make More Money Doing What You Love

About Jason Logsdon

Jason Logsdon is a best selling author, public speaker and passionate home cook who loves to try new things, exploring everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to blow torches, foams, spheres and infusions. He has published 15 cookbooks which have sold more than 80,000 copies. He runs, one of the largest sous vide and modernist cooking websites,, a website dedicated to helping bloggers succeed, is the president of the International Sous Vide Association and a member of the Sous Vide Hall of Fame.

Instagram: @afmeasy
Facebook: @jasonwlogsdon

How do you shift into a business mindset?

When you have a blog that makes money, you are a business owner. Many bloggers are scared of doing keyword research, but you can start small.

Create a post that solves problems for your audience. As you go more in-depth and solve more complicated problems, you can charge your audience for your work. Your audience will grow trust for you as they see that you can help solve their problems.

How should you price your services?

Get a network of people with similar products and services. You can meet people in person or follow them online and ask the people within your network how to price.

When working with brands, you are generally able to charge more. Ask for a price that serves you for your time and expertise. Sometimes, you will need to accept things other than money for your service such as free products or affiliate links.

What are some other ways to expand revenue streams?

You are not paid to blog. Your blog is a marketing engine, you can market for whichever service you are best at such as photography.

Use your passion to help you make money. You can use your platform in many ways other than just blogging in order to make you money. Using this mindset, you can use your blog to sell products and services online.

What’s Next

You can connect with Jason Logsdon on

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